Friday, September 11, 2009

House Pictures

This one was taken with my phone so it's not good quality. 9/4/09

Taken six days later (9/10/09). It goes so quickly, I can't believe it. You'll notice sheetrock is finished on the inside and shingles on the roof. The house will be done Oct. 2 so if you are able and want to help move that would be great!
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Kaden!

I can't believe my son is Two years old. We had a really great time for his birthday this year. I had so much fun making this pinata, it might just become a tradition. (Robinsons and their traditions, hahaha) I hid all of his presents around the house and had him hunt for them. Really I just told him where to find them one at a time. That was a blast, he literally ran as soon as I got the location out of my mouth. We realized a few weeks before that Kaden didn't have a single puzzle so that's what we got him. I think there was a total of 5, along with his awesome glasses, drum, coloring book, fishing pole and best for last his Basketball Hoop. He loved all of it. We finished with cake and ice cream. Fun stuff, what would it be like to be a kid again? Now birthdays just mark the passing of another year. It's amazing how fast a year goes by now. I hope they slow down so my kids don't grow up too quickly.

Happy Birthday Kaden!!!

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Fun Stuff

We've done some fun stuff lately. First of all, last week my friend invited us to the Aquarium. It was amazing. Kaden loved it almost as much as I did. haha There were several exhibits and all of them were really neat. I only have video of the sting ray and the sharks. Very cool. They let you touch the sing ray, but it wouldn't move so we couldn't reach it. :( It was 8$ for adults (2 and under are free). Way better than a movie for that much.

This past weekend we were in Logan and went to the little zoo there. It was really fun. We used to go a lot when we lived there so it was fun to go back since Kaden's a little older. I think he really enjoyed himself. The monkeys were his favorite. They had an albino porcupine that was very unusual. I should have taken a picture of it. I think we really miss Logan. Our friends just got a house and got a way batter deal than we'll ever find here. Oh well, you go where the jobs are I guess. I do like Springville and we are making more friends so it's going to be great. Well I think this is a long enough blog. See ya.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I've been sick now for 4 days. At least I don't have a fever anymore so I can do a little more. You've probably guessed it, my little boy has seen more movies in the last week than I care to admit. Have you seen Madagascar 2? We borrowed it and now it's forever ingrained in my memory. That brings up a funny thought. For some reason I don't remember movies. I can watch a movie for the second time a few months later and still be surprised at the ending. I don't get it, but it sure makes it more exciting. Nathan just laughs when I have no clue what's going on and he knows I've seen the movie before. Now being sick is going to cost Kaden a day at the farm. Our playgroup is going to see a bunch of farm animals. He would have loved it. Maybe I'll see if someone could take him with their kids.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Excuse this Home

My friend gave my a poem the other day that I'd like to share. It's me all the way.
Excuse This Home

Some homes try to hide the fact
That children shelter there.

Ours boasts of it quite openly
The signs are everywhere.
For smears are on the windows
Little smudges on the door;

I should apologize I guess
For the toys strewn on the floor.

But I sat down with the children,
We played and laughed and read.

And if the doorbell doesn't shine
Their eyes will shine instead.
For when at times I'm forced to choose
the one job or the other,

I want to be a homemaker
But first I'll be a Mother.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Creative Fun

I'm trying to be more creative for both my sake and Kaden's. If I just let him watch t.v. he gets very (let me emphasize very) ornery. So far we've made a Felt Pizza, Puppets, Giant Color Dice, and a Castle. I think he's having fun with them. We're also going to try to get outdoors more often now that the weather is warming up. We went and fed horses yesterday and on Thursday our neighbor has invited us to the Aquarium. We are totally excited. There's also the duck pond by daddy's work. Any other ideas? Send them our way.

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Long Interesting Day

Let me tell you about my Saturday. It all started when we tried to go "yardsale-ing" at 8:30am. Of course it started raining so we only found two and they didn't have anything worth buying. What a waste of a Saturday morning. I left for Emily's State Solo and Ensemble early so we could hang out. When I got there she was starving so she ate Kaden's snacks from the diaper bag (cheese dipping crackers and fruit loops yummmmm). We talked for a while and showed off Autumn to Mrs. Tawa (she said she was perfect). They were running way late so Emily didn't sing until 1:15ish. I thought she did a great job. I recorded it so you can all hear her beautiful voice too.

I wanted to get home quick so I could get a nap while Kaden was still sleeping, but it wasn't to be. First of all it was still raining, only much harder now. I needed to return something to Target so I opted to stay on State street instead of the freeway. Bad Idea! It was under construction so we had to detour and that took forever with very long lights. I hate driving in heavy traffic with pouring rain! So I finally got to Target and ran through the rain so Autumn wouldn't freeze. I went to return the item and of all things somehow the receipt was gone. It flew out of the bag in the rush to get out of the rain. So I had to go back in the rain with my baby to put it back in the car and then back into the store to get one lousy jug of milk. What a mess. I was soaked and pretty upset. By now Autumn is starving, but I just wanted to get home, so I listened to her cry for most of the way, poor baby. Everything was fine once I got home to Nathan. He just laughed at my story. No sympathy from him, go figure. haha at least it's over. Later that evening we drove through a bunch of tiny towns like Genola, Goshen, and Elberta to get to a wedding reception in Eureka. It was a longer drive than we thought, but it was pretty fun. I even saw an old friend from LD's there. She was married to the Bride's brother, now that's a small world. Nathan laughed that LD's is taking over the world. I can't go anywhere without seeing someone I know. haha Eureka of all places. We sang really loud to the radio all the way home and Kaden was the loudest. Anyway, Kathy reminded me of this video when we called to get better directions to the wedding. I hope you like it too.

I'm sorry this was so long. Thanks for hanging in to the end.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

As we speak

As we speak, Kaden is playing with a bunch of thread spools and little balls. He is such an organizer (aparently he didn't get that from me). He gathers specific groups of toys and puts them all together. Earlier it was the stuffed animals. Autumn is just content to sit in my lap and listen to the pitter patter of computer keys. I am constantly amazed at how different they are. I can't wait until they can play together. Kaden already tries by giving her toys to play with. He is such a sute Big Brother. We just got a double stroller today that we are dying to try out. Just an hour and a half until Daddy gets home and we head up the canyon for a beautiful spring picnic. Yay!!