Monday, May 11, 2009

Fun Stuff

We've done some fun stuff lately. First of all, last week my friend invited us to the Aquarium. It was amazing. Kaden loved it almost as much as I did. haha There were several exhibits and all of them were really neat. I only have video of the sting ray and the sharks. Very cool. They let you touch the sing ray, but it wouldn't move so we couldn't reach it. :( It was 8$ for adults (2 and under are free). Way better than a movie for that much.

This past weekend we were in Logan and went to the little zoo there. It was really fun. We used to go a lot when we lived there so it was fun to go back since Kaden's a little older. I think he really enjoyed himself. The monkeys were his favorite. They had an albino porcupine that was very unusual. I should have taken a picture of it. I think we really miss Logan. Our friends just got a house and got a way batter deal than we'll ever find here. Oh well, you go where the jobs are I guess. I do like Springville and we are making more friends so it's going to be great. Well I think this is a long enough blog. See ya.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I've been sick now for 4 days. At least I don't have a fever anymore so I can do a little more. You've probably guessed it, my little boy has seen more movies in the last week than I care to admit. Have you seen Madagascar 2? We borrowed it and now it's forever ingrained in my memory. That brings up a funny thought. For some reason I don't remember movies. I can watch a movie for the second time a few months later and still be surprised at the ending. I don't get it, but it sure makes it more exciting. Nathan just laughs when I have no clue what's going on and he knows I've seen the movie before. Now being sick is going to cost Kaden a day at the farm. Our playgroup is going to see a bunch of farm animals. He would have loved it. Maybe I'll see if someone could take him with their kids.